So You Are NOT The Father! But You Still Must Pay Anyway…


“Detroit man is facing a choice given him by the state of Michigan. The first option is to pay $30,000 in back child support for a child that is not his. His second option? Go to prison.

But wait, it gets worse. Everything and everyone involved in this story—including a paternity test, the child’s mother and the court that has given Carnell Alexander the two options—recognize that the baby isn’t his.

“I feel like I’m standing in front of a brick wall with nowhere to go,” Alexander told Detroit news station WXYZ.”

If there’s ever any doubt about the role of many child support enforcement courts around the country, this story should prove that it’s all about the money, and much less about paying for your child.


Because you’ll end up paying for somebody’s child whether you are the father or not.

Don’t believe, read the entire article HERE.